Traffic Geyser is a leader in the world of video syndication services. The goal with Traffic Geyser is to leverage the power of video to generate large amounts of traffic to your website. There are plenty of video syndication services (some that are free), but Traffic Geyser is unique in its ability to generate backlinks and buzz in a dynamic way using social bookmarketing, social networks, article site, and blogs. One single video can provide multiple page 1 listings on Google search engine results pages in less than 1 hour (I have done this many times myself!). The interface is fairly easy to use. You can set up video syndication templates to speed up your efforts, too. There are plenty of other built in tools for creating video squeeze pages and even opt-ins. I also use the Traffic Geyser RSS generator to create video RSS feeds for podcasts (even for iTunes). They will host and pay for the video bandwidth of these feeds, included in your subscription fee.
Of course, you need videos for this to work! Making videos with a camcorder, a FLIP, Kodak Z18 or a tool like Camtasia is quite simple (and highly recommended!). Still, there are tools within Traffic Geyser to help you create video content (via the telephone or using a simple powerpoint presentation). The effectiveness of Traffic Geyser has been argued over the past year. I admit that the results are not as unbelieveable as when they first started, but the results are still quite impressive, especially for long tail keywords. They are always adapting their submission process to coincide with new Google algorithms and trends in internet marketing traffic. Traffic Geyser is a monthly service fee, but try should see results well within a month.
In an age where video has become essential in producing highconversion rates for your products and services a powerfulsyndication tool has become a staple in affiliate marketingtools. Notice now use video in their posts,even free press release sites such as prlog allow an optionfor video in their content. All this points to video becomingthe preffered method of selling.
The bottom line is.. if you found this video or article, youare experiencing the power of Traffic Geyser.
To get a free trial of Traffic Geyser go to:
For more information and sign up for free trainings visit:
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