The use of online video marketing is becoming a more commonly implemented strategy by many internet entrepreneurs. Now this is not to bash the use of this particular method however there remains questions as to its marketing effectiveness.
Here are 5 'points' to consider for anybody working online that intends to utilize video as part of their marketing strategy.
Content is Not as Structured
When using text the content is thought out and very structured to get the point across and make use of every word. Video use, if not presented with trained actors, will have pauses or discontinued thoughts which will 'lose' the interest of some viewers. In some circles people may view this as a more 'lazy' approach thereby decreasing its marketing effectiveness.
Must Use Audio
Video use almost always requires the utilization of audio as well and sometimes that is not the preferred choice of viewers. They may be in a crowded room or perhaps playing their favorite music. Personally I keep audio turned off because there are some sites that when you land on them will literally blow you out of your seat with their sound affects. When use of audio is mandatory you are automatically driving away those who choose not to use it. Free choice is therefore gone as will be some of your traffic as well.
Can Not Set Your Own Pace
Videos take control right out of your hands since you can not 'peruse' the content but rather you must listen to every one, useful or not. Here again if internet entrepreneurs do not use 'trained' actors in their presentations, and who does, you will likely be subjected to listening to more than you care to. Since some videos take more time to view than people are willing to invest, many will end up leaving the page before the 'message' is delivered.
Can Not Save Place
Along the lines of a 'lengthy' video presentation people in most cases do not have the option to save their place and finish the viewing at a later date. Once again viewers are lost! Another habit of people online is they generally scan any material before they decide if it is worth their time to review it more comprehensively. Most videos do not allow this 'option' either!
People Have Too Many Options
Online, interesting content is always only one click away. Give your audience just one reason, sliver or crack in your presentation and off they go! When working online you want to give your audience every chance, and convenience, to see your message, therefore you must cater to their whims. If you take choice right out of their hands and 'force' then to invest time just to see if what you got to say is of interest, they will likely leave your page.
Online video marketing is becoming more commonly used by internet entrepreneurs but how effective is it really. The discussion above singles out 5 reasons as to why this particular strategy can be questioned insofar as it marketing effectiveness. This is not to completely dismiss the use of video for promotional purposes but to call attention to possible deficiencies in this strategy for anybody working online.
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