Tuesday 23 July 2013

Tube Sniper Pro Superstitions: Cooky Keyword Research For Video Marketing

If you are still writing countless articles to build backlinks to your website, well great job because it works! But if you are also not incorporating video marketing into your overall marketing strategy, shame on you! Successful internet marketers have caught on to the benefits of video marketing and how it can put your rankings, visibility, and profits on overdrive! The biggest problem, however, lies in the ability of marketers to choose the right keywords to use and how to evaluate the competition for the keyword you choose. I'm going to tell you how to overcome both of these problems and help you create a successful video marketing campaign!

Before I really got going with video marketing I made sure I took the time to learn the right way to do it from online courses and experts who were already successful. I spent hours upon hours devouring all I could on how to successfully market using videos. Now I can say I have run numerous video marketing campaigns and have mastered the strategies that get my videos ranked, and drive powerful backlinks to my websites. Let's get started with the bulk of what you need to know!

The right way to get started is to pick a successful keyword to build our entire video marketing campaign on. Easier said then done? Not really. It is really easy if we know what we're doing! You have to pick your keyword subject. Now you'll want to input your keyword into the search bar. Look at the top 10 results. You only need to pay attention to a couple areas. How many of the top 10 have your keyword in their domain name? If there are at least two that do not, you are golden. After looking at the urls with your keyword listed, do any of those show the keyword in the url subdomain. A subdomain is url/subdomain. If there are 2 that only have your keyword as the subdomain, you have an advantage. Last, how many of the top 10 results show your keyword in the description under the url? If at least 2 don't, that is another positive. Now if your keyword passes at least two out of the three tests just mentioned, you have a good keyword.

Now we'll want to know how competitive the keyword is. This is a bit more challenging to do manually. We essentially did a competition analysis in the step above. There is definitely a little more we should consider. In your search engine results, you'll want to click on 'Videos'. Now perform the same analysis as you did above. Do any of these 10 videos use the keyword in the video title or video description? If at least two don't, you have an inside into the top 10. But your goal with video marketing is to get your videos into the top rankings for your keyword, ideally into the top 3. There are other areas like views and likes for competitor videos we should also look at, but this is better suited for resources like software programs that can perform this analysis rather quickly.

Video marketing simply boils down to choosing the right keywords to build your campaigns around. To do this you need to have insight to what keywords get traffic and are competitive. We can do a lot of this evaluation manually, but there are a lot of great tools available that are very cost effective compared to the amount of time it would take for you to research everything yourself. If you're not using video marketing as part of your overall marketing strategy, I encourage you to get started today. You'll be amazed at how quickly it works and how positive it can be to your bottom line!

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